
naurrr cuz “the other woman” syndrome I’ve been having is so NOT IT!! Like idk why, but my ex still thinks it’s cute to be all toxic and stuff. She knows I love her, but she likes to test and push my limits as if I was some type of rat in a lab. Today she watched my close friends, and my new (very hot) friend posted the two of us to that lipstick trend, and ig my ex saw it and took it as an okay to make out with her bf infront of my car!! Like all I wanted to do was pick up my sister and go home, but I look up and see her, her bf, and my sister walking up to my car like some weird ahh squad! My sister told me that she (my ex) practically dragged along both my sister and her (my ex) current bf over to my car to drop her off! And the audacity to say hi too, and stand there as we were driving away is CRAZYYY!! and I know for a fact it’s probably about that story, cuz she’s always complaining abt me and random girls or boys that she doesn’t know, when I post abt them. It was literally just my friend wanting to do a trend for shits and giggles!! I’m frl in love with my ex, and the way she just does shii like that just makes me so frustrated!! It was really hot when she was jealous before cuz we were exclusive, but as of rn it hurts, especially when she is always posting someone else and kissing him while also coming back to me to complain abt him. poor guy deserves better tbh.


naurrr cuz “the other woman” syndrome I’ve been having is so NOT IT!! Like idk why, but my ex still thinks it’s cute to be all toxic and stuff. She knows I love her, but she likes to test and push my limits as if I was some type of rat in a lab. Today she watched my close friends, and my new (very hot) friend posted the two of us to that lipstick trend, and ig my ex saw it and took it as an okay to make out with her bf infront of my car!! Like all I wanted to do was pick up my sister and go home, but I look up and see her, her bf, and my sister walking up to my car like some weird ahh squad! My sister told me that she (my ex) practically dragged along both my sister and her (my ex) current bf over to my car to drop her off! And the audacity to say hi too, and stand there as we were driving away is CRAZYYY!! and I know for a fact it’s probably about that story, cuz she’s always complaining abt me and random girls or boys that she doesn’t know, when I post abt them. It was literally just my friend wanting to do a trend for shits and giggles!! I’m frl in love with my ex, and the way she just does shii like that just makes me so frustrated!! It was really hot when she was jealous before cuz we were exclusive, but as of rn it hurts, especially when she is always posting someone else and kissing him while also coming back to me to complain abt him. poor guy deserves better tbh.


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My friend ong is a virgin, but she’s acting like she had sex to be cool and is literally virgin shaming everyone cuz she thinks she’s that bitch. I like my friend, and really do care for her, but she needs to quit that shii cuz it’s getting kinda embarrassing. All the non virgin kids in my class have literally started talking about how she a liar and what not, and rumors are starting to spread like butter on toast. I never really called her out on it and have just been pretending to be curious and whatnot, but it’s hard to be serious when u know someone is lying and making shii up. Like she frl did not know what a vigina was last year and had to have “the talk” with a counselor because she was confused about cum and asked another kid about it. Plus I HIGHLY doubt that 2 fourth graders could consensually have sex like she claims they did. Honestly wanna go back to when we were taking our rice purity tests and act like I got a 98, so she knows she didn’t have to fudge the answers. I honestly am stuck on whether I should tell her that ppl are talking shii abt her and that noone believes or just leaving her be and letting her find out herself. Cuz honestly, she spent the whole highschool slut shaming me for having sex with this one girl, and now here she is bragging abt having sex 5 times between the fourth and fifth grade? Crazy. Plus now she not even slut shaming me, she virgin shaming me in a way too! She knows I’m not a virgin, but her ass is making fun of me for only having sex a decent amount of times with that one girl. Calling me inexperienced, she lucky I don’t call her a liar like everyone else is. And now writing this, I’m starting to realize we lowkey ain’t friends anymore 


Naurrr my teacher is a shii bag liarrrrrrr!! She had me believing I was 5’9 for so long, cuz her ass was allegedly 5’6!! I’m way taller than her, so when I questioned it, she told me I was probably just one of those tall freaks or whatever and was 5’9!! I knew that woman couldn’t be 5’6, but ig if it meant I was 5’9, then I’d be okay!!! that was until I went for a check up this week at the doctorssssss. Literally weighed myself, checked my height, and did the usual things before checking on my heart or whatevr. Anyways, I saw my paper and it said I was 5’7!!!! LIKE AINT NO FCKING WAYYYY. That lady gaslit me!! I gaslit myself too atp!! I’m like overly disappointed rn, but it makes me feel better knowing that I’m not overly tall like everyone says, I’m just regular height and they’re just short haters 


After a traumatic near death experience at the hands of my own classmate and a heart defect, I have decided to turn over a new leaf and pray the gay away. It’s really hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I even condoned in such sinful activities like gayism, but finally I am free. Thank the lord that I am starting on a new path, and straying away from all homosexual tendencies that the devil has influenced me to follow, this is anti social club signing off.
          If I wrote some dumb shii like that and meant it, I pray that someone does shoot me. Anyways, today I’m back with another rant about my almost comical life. Like I genuinely almost DIED twice this week!! Firstly because of an undiscovered heart defect, I only noticed it when my heart just kept pumping really fast and I suddenly always felt faint. The shii was worrisome, but kept it to myself until I fainted and had to be dragged to get checked. Honestly, had my whole friend group worried about me, but it makes sense now to them cuz I’ve been low energy lately. And secondly, I almost died cuz this girl who was twice my weight sat on my back and cracked a rib!! Ong idek how that could happen, but it did!! She wanted to be funny cuz I wanted to be a cutie patootie and take a nap on the floor, and apparently it was funny content for her instagram. I really could not breathe, the pressure she was applying at the shear force of “sitting” was insane. And I say sitting in quotation, because she told me she sat on my back, but playing back the video she was actually kneeling with both knees on my lower and upper back. I did manage to roll over and get her off, but because I was dizzy and still on verge of passing out, she rolled me back over and straddled my back, whilst whispering shii to my face. And let me tell you, I could kinda breathe while she straddled me, but the fact that her breath stank and she was full blown talking into my nostril triggered my gag reflex and I couldn’t breathe.


My bestfriends came in and noticed that my face was all red and that I looked really bad, so they ran up to her and shoved her off. She was laughing and saying how great it’ll be to see me with another school viral video, but ong I woulda beaten her up if I had the strength too. My friends were really pissed at both me and her for our stupidity, cuz obviously you should not sit on someone’s upper back if your 2x their weight, and mad at me because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings and call her heavy, so I sat their struggling for however long i was there. My parents did later find out about it cuz I was, and still am, trying to catch my breath and calm my heart rate. They took me to the hospital and found that I did have some bruising on my rib because I cracked one on my left. The doctors frl were concerned and asked me how that happened, so I showed them the video, and my parents frl wanted to sue the school cuz the video made them look stupid. I told them we were just horsing sround cuz lord knows they’d make me go from most liked kid, to hated kid LOL. Anyways, that’s the rant. If I stop posting, then on word I prolly died.


Yall, that girl I fell for from my new school is NOT it . Like I was seriously into her!! I wanted to at least try to still be together after grad if I finally managed to get past the talking stage, but at this point I kinda hope I never see her again! Like she’s so pretty, and ig that really distracted me from the fact she’s a HUGE red flag. 
          For context, my highschool has a big campus where they built two other buildings for middle schoolers and kindergarteners, and we’re practically one joint academy. In our school, we have this autistic boy who is very sensitive to simple things like sound and touch, and his speech is also kinda lacking but he’s a very sweet boy. Anyways, some kids in the highschool have made it into a game to sneak to the elementary kids building and pick on that boy to see who makes him cry first. I was honestly horrified by it, and I made sure to be with him a lot and claimed him as my cousin. And not to boast but I’m kinda popular, so it really did help that people didn’t wanna bully him when his cool “cousin” was around. One day, the whole school was having a sports day cause we were done with midterms, but I had to go talk to my teacher cause she wanted to convert me into a christian so I was kinda side tracked and forgot all abt my bestie (he calls me that, and he likes when I call him that.). I guess I was gone for an hour, but by the time I went back to the highschool building, I saw my bestie in the classroom crying and screaming at a group of laughing girls. I went into the room and I saw her, the girl I liked, bullying him with her friends.


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He’s sensitive to certain sounds. One of them being erasing the chalk board, so they were doing that. He also LOVES cars, talks about them all the time, even had a little folder where he drew all his little car parts and his fav cars. It’s so adorable, but when I came into that classroom they were making fun of his drawings and purposefully calling them the wrong names cause he hates it. Plus they made fun of his speech, it REALLY set me off. I went in their and grabbed his stuff and told them they weren’t funny. The girl that I liked was confused and her only defense was, “it’s not like he’s your real cousin”, but it made me more mad that she thought I was only upset because I considered him my fake cousin!! Cuz literally like a normal fucking person I was mad because she even made fun if him the first place! And the fact that it was her AND other girls who are literally too fucking old to be doing this to an actual kid. Like be so frl. I always made sure to be near my bestie after that. That girl I liked, I barely even talk to her anymore, but because she’s a classmate and fate hates me, I have to talk to her when doing group projects. literally needa take me a highset and just vanish


I think the me going by "they/them" pronouns  phase has finally come to an end. And no, I'm not saying that being gender neutral is a "phase" for all of us, because some of us really do identify that way, and it's okay. I'm just saying that it was a phase for me. I guess I didn't like identifying with my og gender because everyone was either against it, or because being gender neutral was like a trend to many ppl during the time I went into my journey of self discovery. I guess I thought because everyone else was making being gender neutral one of the biggest things about being gay, I decided that in order to prove my homo status I needed to be that, so I identified as it. Like I'm pretty masculine, but I'm also very feminine, so I thought that qualified me to be gender neutral. As time went on, I realized that ppl calling me "she/her" really did not bother me at all. Like most ppl who are gender neutral (even closeted) would be at least slightly bothered with being misgendered, but I was vibing with it. I lowkey felt like a girl, and I guess as I got older I became more proud of being one. I took a look at myself in the mirror and I did NOT see someone who was gender neutral, I just saw a girl who was finally comfortable in her own skin. I'm finally over the whole you have to be gender neutral to be gay thing that the ppl around me had me believing, and now I know that u can just be any type of gay, with any type of gender. Be gay in ur own way, and be it proudly. Literally much love to the gender neutral part of the fruit flag for accepting me as ur own, I love y'all tbh. 


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some “hey mamas” give me the BIGGEST ickk!! Like I’m pretty icky, I’ll admit to that, but c’mon we all have to agree on this right? Hey mamas were a funny thing before, but when I look at hey mamas on tikok, instagram, and even irl lately, yikesss. Their pages are filled with how people (mainly men) ignore their sexuality or whatever, and then go on to post shii that say “when she says she’s straight, but I can change that” EWWW. Plus I didn’t know it was a trend to hate on men, and then act like the worst kinds of men . I swear I’d deck a hey mama lesbian in the streets if I could, because why are we evolving backwards? Plus this hey mamas thing got personal the moment one tried to steal my girl….friend (the one I wrote abt) and ended up making her cryyy.  I didn’t know you could have charm in being an asshole. Not all hey mamas are the same, but they all have a certain vibe to them. And I’m not pointing at masc lesbians, cuz they’re really sweet, I’m talking abt the mascs and stems that fall under the category of “hey mamas”. Cuz why are we normalizing being sexist to ur own? and why are we finding it hot that they do the same thing that give us the ick when men do it?


Also the hater energy from the girl who tried to steal my boss, like..idk why she hating on my curls and waves when she got the ruby rose cut 


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yall, I be a whole ass fumblerrrr. So this girl in my class, I kinda like her, and I just found out she likes me too!! But that’s not the issue, the issue is that I’m a awkward ass person and can barely even hold a conversation until we’re close like that!! She always hangs out with my best friend, and ig me coming around and hanging out with them awakened this whole “like each other” thing, but I’ve never had a convo with her on my own before . She clearly tries to talk to me alone, like she’ll chase her friends away or even shoo away my best friend and then sits with me to talk, but I always get swept away by someone or I just make up an excuse to leave. I feel bad for her because I’m not great at convos with the people I like, and it’s also really hard since we’re both very busy being seniors and all. Literally the other day this girl was sitting alone and I finally worked up the courage to go up to her, but my car picked me up and I had to give an awkward ass goodbye! Like we’re about to graduate soon, and I know our time is kinda short, but I want to at least be proud that I dated/fell for one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen.


The way my brother and his homophobic ass literally clocked Rachel and Emma being set up to happen in "Shelter" got me feeling excited!! Like he Girl mathed it to me too, and I never could've been more proud of a homophobe LOL. He told me that he has no issue with movie sapphics so long as they make sense, so I can't be mad at him there y'know? Him being Troy hater also got me rolling around in my grave! Honestly, if my dad never started teaching us homophobia at a young age, I think this kid would've been the ultimate ally. Trust me ik, cuz homie use to be my wingman.