
Life is hard, it’s gotten very different over the past few months. I recently learned that I related to Angel Dust a little too much. I recently turned 14, and gods it doesn’t feel like that. I miss being 11 and having all the time in the world to write fanfiction. Now my life is filled with dnd, school, dating, and fashion. Funny how life ends up huh


Life is hard, it’s gotten very different over the past few months. I recently learned that I related to Angel Dust a little too much. I recently turned 14, and gods it doesn’t feel like that. I miss being 11 and having all the time in the world to write fanfiction. Now my life is filled with dnd, school, dating, and fashion. Funny how life ends up huh


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Life continues to get different, as I jump to the next big thing with my life. First it was middle school, now I'm picking out classes to go to high school. I'm now thinking about things I want to do with my life, change is scary but it's part of growing up. The older I get the more things change, I used to be an emo little shit now I'm a kawaii fashion enthusiast.


Lolita fashion has become such a big part of my life now, as I no longer spend my time scouring the internet for fanfiction, I now scour it for sweet lolita.


Oooo~ what print/dress


@ Royalekitty00  damn, if only you lived in Germany! I have a lolita dress laying around that doesn't fit me :(


Hello friends. I know it has been a while. Truth is, I haven't had much energy to do fanfiction for awhile. I've been in and out of relationships, and the hospital. I am no longer with my girlfriend. I'm willing to share my new favorite ship with you guys. I can't say that I'll be more active as my life is a lot different than what it was when I was 11-12 and had no friends. I wish you all a happy thanksgiving. I'm sorry if I worried some of you guys sick. Love you guys <3.