
Chapter 1 is now up! Sorry for the delay~!


Okay! I made up my mind and I'll be sticking to the original plot with a few changes (i.e. character names, more details(I guess?), and other little things that make me cringe.) So yeah. It will still be about SHINee and the BTS plot I had will become it's own story in the future when Living With SHINee comes to an end! Okay! That's all! Just wanted to keep y'all updated! ^^ ByeBye!


I'm considering changing Living With SHINee so much to the point where it isn't even SHINee anymore... I dunno? I have more ideas for the story but they don't involve SHINee so I don't if I should change it because I kinda wanna stay true to the original plot but, I feel like it won't be as good because I'm locking away the ideas I wanna do. So basically I wanna change it from living with SHINee to living with BTS which both are in two completely different entertainments (as you can see.) and the plot I want needs 7 people and I tried doing it with 5 but, it seems so awkward and repetitive within characters so... Yeah... I haven't fully decided yet so I honestly don't know.


I'm baaaaack~~~ Its just that everything is under heavy editing so I won't be updating new chapters just yet. BUT. I will be changing my writing style a bit from the usual script form to an actual story like form so... yeah. That will be a while but, it'll zip by right? And why is my dog sniffing my leg? What? OFF-TOPIC. Anyways, look forward to a new story after all the editing! ^0^ OKAY OKAY. To finish this off I hope you guys haven't forgotten about me but its cool if you get this notification and be like "Oh. She's still alive? Alright then." Okay. Gotta go now! Love ya guys! Bye bye! (^・ω・^ )


I'm sorry guys but I cant write anymore. This hobby of mine seems to have just died. I'm trying to revive it but I just can't. I'm starting high school soon and I can't focus. If  I can't find my passion for writing fan fics in a couple of months or so I will probably end up deleting my stories. I can't guarantee  that I will delete them but I hope I don't. I understand if you unfollow because no one likes a hiatus writer right? *sad smile* Anyways, this is farewell for now. Annyeong Lazy Pandas. ♥(╥ﬦ╥)♥