
Okay, so I am going to take a break on To Love an Earl because I have another writer's block *sighs* I think writing hates me sometimes. However, I did start outlining Word Runner, so I think I will work on that story more.


OHMYGOSH you read the book. 
          I LOVED THAT BOOK. 
          STOP SUMMERSBERRY!!! <3


This. This is the reason why Fate made us meant to interact with each other!


@ElliottJ27 Lol right? The part that cracked me up was when Summerberry said she was pregnant and British just said they literally only spoken to each other twice and then asked her if she was just fat XD


Hello fellow wattpadian. Thanks so much for the follow 


@RoyalBocchan Why, thank you. That means a lot.


@Shadietree No problem! You seem like a cool person and a good writer! I'll check out some of your work when I get back home!


Hey, thanks for following!


No problem! I love reading new things!@RoyalBocchan


@Dancingdryad Oh thank you! I had that idea FOREVER, and finally I decided to get started on it. ^_^ If you read it, let me know what you think about it! I would love to hear some inputs!


@RoyalBocchan Word Runner looks good.


I will be working a bit on Dancing in the Red, but I will not be updating it on Wattpad for I plan to sell it as an e-book on the Amazon Kindle, so Dancing in the Red will be stopped on Chapter 8, but if you are interested, I will let you know when it has been published for sell. It probably won't be for quite awhile, but I just thought I would make this announcement before I forget. H.M. can be quite a scatterbrain sometimes X3


Well guys I just updated "To Love an Earl." You guys are probably thinking, "God where the hell have you been?! We thought you were dead! WE. NEED. MORE. SMUT!!!" I apologize, just a lot of stuff have been happening and I had the biggest writer's block in the universe! But I am back! And it is good to be back!


Hey, I know I said I was going to be more active this semester, but the second semester of college has been very tough. Luckily, I'll be moving out of my dorm this week since the second semester is coming to an end. I will be looking for a summer job but I should be having time to update my work on wattpad! Thanks for being EXTREMELY patient with me!