
So this week I was planning on posting. But I had a death. I have a wake to go to today and a funeral tomorrow... I hope this doesn't inconvenience any of y'all and I hope u have a great day.


Is it weird to say that I just had a sense of sonder (the realization that everyone has a life as complex and complicated as mine or maybe even more so) with everyone reading, voting, commenting on the story. I do read the comments, I do look at all the people who vote and feel a little bit of happiness. 
          So I went all stalker and looked at a few people's pages. And you know what. I feel so happy that someone decided to read the book no matter the reason. If it was the videos or just stumbling across it, I still love you all.
          Stay safe,
          See ya sugar cubes 


❤️❤️ your book is really good. Stay safe!


@ Roxanne606  rox❤


Just to announce this. I unpublished the chapter for editing. If you are wondering why it's not loading. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Please stay safe. I purple u!! ♡


@ Roxanne606  I can't read it this morning?! HOW I CAN LIVE WITHOUT THAT (Good morning girl (/^○^)/~~♡)


@ Roxanne606  it's ok we're waiting


Is it ok to say that I'm mentally and physically done? I'm still not keeping food down without meds. I'm in a contest battle of if I should just let it win or to fight. I'm gaining/losing weight, collapsing, and getting hurt on a regular now. And I'm afraid to talk to people about it bc I'll make them sad. I've been stuck in a constant battle and now when I'm alone I'm either just thinking or avoiding the world at large. I don't wanna talk about it but I also feel like it's driving me insane. One second I'm doing fine but the next I feel the pain and just everything goes down hill. When I say I'm alright I probably am at the time but once I stop talking and start thinking and feeling (pain and emotion) I'm not... Most of my friends that are close enough to help I either don't wanna burden them or they have said that they can't handle my depressing out look. If u follow me or u are a friend I'm sorry for the rant and I hope ur not to mad about this not anything important.


@Roxanne606 I belive in u girl❤
            -the girl with a overweight cat


It took time for me to understand that i can actually talk stuff out with someone , cause i literally felt the same.


@Roxanne606 hey its ok, u dont know but i am so so glad that you ranted it all out, remember i asked if u were ok a few days ago... Well i did that so that you could feel at ease to talk to anybody at anytime, specially me. AND... Its OK to rant ,love its takes a toll on you but in the end you feel a bit better... I used to be and is still a quiet person about my own problems, but once my friend notices it, she makes me take it out , rant it all out and i really feel better because i dont talk about how much of a emotional and mental wreck i am , to my family. They just wont understand. But my friend do. So remember, there is always someone there to listen to you and YOU ARE NOT A BURDEN , LOVE ❤❤


I'm so sorry to the person that got their message delete. I didn't mean to I was messing around and did something stupid and that's what happened. -_- 
          I mean no harm.
          Oh and while I'm at it, updated! I'm working on the chapters now. I'm also catching up on school work. Which isn't that hard because their all lower grade classes then my college classes this year so I good. I'm also training my body that food is to stay! I hope everyone is okay and is staying safe. I know in the US their opening things back up and if it's the same in other places take care of yourself, love yourself, and wash up. K I'll leave y'all alone.


@Roxanne606 hey's okay 
            Stay Safe <3 