
Take time to do what makes your soul happy:)


Hey @RoseAngelCommunity's Can I join the book club pls.


@SUSSY_Hooman In a few more days, voting for the second month will begin, rules and general info about the club are in the book


@SUSSY_Hooman You just have to vote on a book in the chapter when the voting time is open and then read the book chosen for that month and then you just talk to the other people who've read the book


The Rose Angel Community is looking for admins to help run community events  (when the founder @justkeepbreathinon cannot)-, such as the review/graphics shops and the book club- once they start. Along with promoting the Community, by affiliating with other communities and posting daily messages on the community board. If you are interested in being an admin, please message @justkeepbreathinon and I'll ask you guys a couple of questions on being an admin to this community along with getting in touch with other admins, to work out schedules.