
Hey everyone! Been way too long, how are you all?
          Whether you've read my book or not, I just wanted to give y'all a notice:
          Although I'm FINALLY back and working on my much-neglected book, I've realised just how much fixing up it needs, so I will go back and properly edit it. This will however mean I'm going to unpublish it for the time being. 
          BUT starting next week, every Friday I'll be republishing a newly reviewed and edited chapter back to my story. This will hopefully give me enough time to get back into the swing of things and give you all the rest of the incredible story I have stored in my head!


Sorry I’ve been gone so long guys, how is everyone doing?? 
          Studying at uni has taken too much of my time and writing my novel had fallen behind :’( but a break is coming up soon for me!! So keep an eye out for my new chapters over the next few weeks 


So, I am like so so sorry for not having published in ages, have legit been SO busy with study and exams.
          BUTTTTT the next chapter is F-I-N-A-L-L-Y out. I have updated an important part to chapter 12 and now 13 is out as well so pls pls plsss feel free to check it out if u have time, I can't wait for you all to read it. 
          thx again for the patience and all, and hopefully I can get back into writing more often! ^-^