
Ah yes... Starting off with a new book is painful. 
          	I hope you all enjoy it I guess. 


Hey guys,my house had burnt down so i have to stay at my nana's house.My brother saved us all and im happy to be alive.But,everything is very much damaged tho me and my family have managed to salvage some stuff. I won't be able to go to school. I am traumatized buti hope to better soon. So quick question,How do you deal with being traumatized?


@Rosa1278 well i'm sorry for your loss .One way to deal with that is the thought that you are alive .There are some people out there that went through hell and yet didn't make it .Stories of worse situation and how they moved on,should motivate you.
            Stay safe and be happy.


@Scarlet-The-Fox thank chu for the advice,i appreciate it so much! God Bless you child. ^w^


Ok  so I have these is for creepy pasta and the other is for Hamilton.. So here ya go. Sorry for not posting much.
          Creepy pasta:
          Age:18 or 19
          H/ reaches the floor
          H/C:Dark and light brown
          E/C:mismatched. Left is white,right is red
          Dislikes:jeff,the color pink,idiots and bullies
          Likes:everything and everyone except jeff
          Weapons:Any type of weapons is fine.
          Wearing:a huge purple hoodie,shorts, shoes
          And a bandana over her eyes.
          Name:Rosa Robin
          H/L:Long, reaches to waist
          E/C:purple,blue,red,and a bit of pink
          Crush:Philip Hamilton (..I guess..)
          Likes:food,cooking,baking,sweets,weapons,singing, drawing and playing musical instruments
          Dislikes:bullies,and bullying
          Wearing:a purple(top) and black(bottom) dress with a pink ribbon
          Has freckles over her nose and cheeks.
          Never opens her eyes.