
You dropped your crown, please take it. You read my whole book in a day plus followed. Thank you.


@CaptainSpaceToaster it's totally fine, I appreciate your feedback. <3


@CaptainSpaceToaster Uuh, well it was unusual how detailed his past is, but in a good way. It really makes him more like an actual character in the story rather than just someone random in it. I think you're really doing a good job. Maybe the development isn't showing that much yet, but it's fine if it shows later. I can't really give tips tho, this isn't my native language, so sorry about that or any mistakes.


@CaptainSpaceToaster Pfft if you say so. Honestly wished I hand tweaked a few things just so everything seemed to go smoother and be more understandable, also a be better character development. Got any tips or thoughts when you were reading? It would help out! positive or negative