Hey there, fellow readers and adventurers! Welcome to my world of crazy. Everything is up down, left right, and upside down!

Prepare yourselves to embark on an extraordinary journey through the realms of words, where imagination knows no bounds and laughter reigns supreme. I'm your quirky guide, a gay dungeon master with a penchant for spunkiness and a passion for rolling the dice of destiny...

When I'm not busy rolling my way to victory in epic tabletop adventures, you can find me unleashing my creative powers on the pages of Wattpad. With each stroke of my metaphorical pen, I bring to life vibrant characters, dazzling worlds, and tales that'll make your heart do the cha-cha~

Join me on this wild ride as we dive headfirst into enchanting narratives. Whether you're a fellow adventurer, a curious wanderer, or just someone in need of a good laugh, my page will leave you smiling like a Cheshire cat

So buckle up, my dear readers, because the adventure begins here. Let's roll our way to literary victories! 🎉🌈✨
  • Ireland
  • JoinedDecember 3, 2020

Story by Sharky!
A collection of any and all of my original characters