
So I’m back to writing for “A Change Is Gonna Come”, but it’s gonna be a slow process I got a job so I basically don’t get days off and I’m in an improv show this semester alongside some homework. I’ve got some stuff written but it’s very blocky so I want to go back and perfect it as much as possible cause it’s getting towards the turning point of the story 
          	     Also; I got to see the boys perform in San Francisco and holy crap it was the best concert I’ve ever seen. I was about three people away from the barricade so I could actually see them. I was so close to Jake *literally faints* and josh looked so cute like OMG! I was super lucky because I met three people and we quickly became friends. One of them caught Danny's drumstick!!! Like!!! It was amazing!!!!! Also another lady near us was handing out pins that commemorated the event and we each got one (thank you to whoever you are!). They performed “San Francisco” at the end and just geez those vocals tho  This show was definitely worth standing for like 5-6 hours! 


So I’m back to writing for “A Change Is Gonna Come”, but it’s gonna be a slow process I got a job so I basically don’t get days off and I’m in an improv show this semester alongside some homework. I’ve got some stuff written but it’s very blocky so I want to go back and perfect it as much as possible cause it’s getting towards the turning point of the story 
               Also; I got to see the boys perform in San Francisco and holy crap it was the best concert I’ve ever seen. I was about three people away from the barricade so I could actually see them. I was so close to Jake *literally faints* and josh looked so cute like OMG! I was super lucky because I met three people and we quickly became friends. One of them caught Danny's drumstick!!! Like!!! It was amazing!!!!! Also another lady near us was handing out pins that commemorated the event and we each got one (thank you to whoever you are!). They performed “San Francisco” at the end and just geez those vocals tho  This show was definitely worth standing for like 5-6 hours! 


So I won’t be posting any new chapters for a while because my dogs health is rapidly declining. She’s extremely old and she’s been apart of my family since I was 6 or 7 (I’m now a month or so away from being 20) and it’s really hard to see her struggling. I do plan to keep updating eventually but it will most likely be a while. On top of that classes are starting at the end of this month and I’m trying to get another job so things will be stressful to say the least. I have another chapter written and I‘ll post that before taking my leave since I left y’all on a cliffhanger. I’m really sorry about all of this, I really am committed to finishing this fic but I need to devote my time and effort to my dog.
          TLDR; My dog is dying so I probably won’t be uploading for quite a while...


@ Rolandtheoneandonly  you're welcome <3


@biatrisxdm Thank you, I really appreciate that it means a lot 