
I have had a crossover story idea for any writers who wish to try their hand at it, its a crossover between Insanity!Sans, specifically, Former!Insanity!Sans, and the Keeper of the Lost Cities. It would be quite interesting seeing him interact with the main cast since his mind is, for the most part, broken...
          	This is Rogue, signing out! And thank you for those who follow me, despite not writing any stories!


I have had a crossover story idea for any writers who wish to try their hand at it, its a crossover between Insanity!Sans, specifically, Former!Insanity!Sans, and the Keeper of the Lost Cities. It would be quite interesting seeing him interact with the main cast since his mind is, for the most part, broken...
          This is Rogue, signing out! And thank you for those who follow me, despite not writing any stories!


Heya thanks for adding my story to your list 


Though, if you wish to not do the crossover at this time, I will respect it.


@DontAskImN0body Roger, your welcome for the follow, though, if you wish to know of a more creative way to do the story, you should try a similar idea as this one story on fanfiction called A tale of Remnant or something like that, its an awesome read, though sadly discontinued.


@Rogue127 anyways thanks for the follow 


This for all those that follow me, which, despite not making any stories, I thank you nonetheless: Here's a crossover that would make for an interesting story for those who do write, and thats a Undertale and Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover, It would be an interesting crossover story since in the Pacifist route, Monsters and Humans live together in peace and since its a newly discovered species, the elves and the other races would likely wish to meet the King of Monsters, Asgore, and hope to start relations with each other, and I know some of you who have read the Keeper of the Lost Cities would be like "But wouldn't the treaties not allow that since they are interacting with humans?" Well here's the thing, the treaties never covered what they were to do if a newly discovered intelligent species were to surface and begin living in peace with humans and sorry for those who just watched me go on a tangent, but it would how factions like the Neverseen, Black Swan would react to Monsters and how the few Undertale factions, like Gaster and The Followers would react to the hidden world of the Lost Cities and the darkness under them, so if there are any writers reading this, could you give this crossover idea a try? This is Rogue, signing out.