
Adi Shankar's Devil May Cry series finally has a trailer!!! I'm gonna enjoy it a way you can't ever imagine it 


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Hey Rocket Nero, this the Author of Reincarnated as Kirito & Asuna Book... And I want to say this to you...
          FUCK OFF!!! MY WORK MY RULE!


@ SINS_COUNTER  Like I said, I didn't know my silly comments would hurt you so bad. And even if they did, you didn't get me the chance to have an argument or talk it out. I was absolutely not expecting this, and I tell you, I was already confused the day you blocked me, because like I said, I never thought that would bother you so bad.
            I'm deeply sorry for expressing my opinion wrongly, and thanks for talking this out. Though, we could've done this way back, and I could've apologized way earlier to not jeopardize your work. 


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@ Rocket-Nero  Also this your last chance. I will unmuted and unlocked to read my work again, do NOT say some shit like that again, I have friends who don't like prick who don't care and hurt Fanfic Writer feelings and their efforts, GOT IT!?


@ SINS_COUNTER  Alright man. All cool? 