
It is 2:30 am and I can't sleep. Well, I don't want to sleep and here in Australia the kids go back tomorrow for school and I have to wake up at 6 cuz my bus comes early all because my parents want to take me to a fancy school that starts a little early and finishes at 3:30. I just wanted to go to a normal high school and this is what I get


It is 2:30 am and I can't sleep. Well, I don't want to sleep and here in Australia the kids go back tomorrow for school and I have to wake up at 6 cuz my bus comes early all because my parents want to take me to a fancy school that starts a little early and finishes at 3:30. I just wanted to go to a normal high school and this is what I get


Hey guys! I have completed all my books! Yay! Now I'm trying to come up with a new fanfic. I have written a fanfic based off the Avengers and the big six alone and so what if I clash the two worlds. I have done that but it was in a high school and I'm thinking about the worlds they live in. If not then I'm always up for a Zootopia fanfic! And if this all bothers you then I have another choice, clash the worlds of Kaitlyn (from The Magic Mirror) and Bexley (from The Flame Of A New Avenger). I seriously have no clue what the hell im doing but I like it. I really want to write a zootopia fanfic but I also want to do my first choice or should I just make a part two of any of my books.


this message may be offensive
It's 1 AM here and I'm awake because I'm freaking afraid of the dark. I had my night light on (yes I'm a baby and it's a fear) and I share a room with my sister. I started shaking and sweating because of how dry it was but I had my light on. Sometimes I can be like that. So I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move because of how scared I was. Then I had the guts to grab my deodorant spray and throw it on my sister to wake her up. Luckily she woke up and I told her to turn on the lights and she did. Now I'm here trying to sleep but I can't and I can't sound like a zombie singing tomorrow for music class. I guess I'm sleeping with the lights on. I would be fine if I had a boyfriend or husband hugging me until I go to sleep but I don't have one cause I'm single baby! I guess I can't live my dream of having a love life. What am I talking about? Go the f**k to sleep Roboflake!


Just sent that autocorrect to Shadenight. Text bloopers. I guess this counts since autocorrect does this to me all the time. Like right now I was doing something and I said great school and autocorrect gave me greats hook. I gave my iPad that look that says do it one more time you are my sisters iPad.


Autocorrect (I use my iPad if you're wondering)


'I started shaking a sweating because of how dry it was'
            Lol it's not dry it's dark