
I see my presence here is more popular than I expected. Your questions (and assertions) are fun to respond to but I have taken too much time off my duties. Class should have started over half an hour ago and I have my motto to never be any more late than that.
          	You are still welcome to ask me questions. My responses might be scarce however.
          	It was nice talking to all of you.
          	Yours, Robin Taylor :-) 


I see my presence here is more popular than I expected. Your questions (and assertions) are fun to respond to but I have taken too much time off my duties. Class should have started over half an hour ago and I have my motto to never be any more late than that.
          You are still welcome to ask me questions. My responses might be scarce however.
          It was nice talking to all of you.
          Yours, Robin Taylor :-) 


Honestly, if you’re going to be condescending, then maybe Wattpad isn’t for you. Why are you here for then? 


            Hello, Alice/Lind. Or Al Sherry. I would kindly ask you to let me know which title you prefer. I do not fancy any of these so I will let you choose. The hedgehog one is just absurd and I won't give it any acknowledgement.
            To respond to your question, even if it sounds rather like an assertion, I have my reasons. I do not fancy being here if that's what you want to hear. This is something I feel I have been forced into. 
            This is a hard pill to swallow, but I feel as though this is my only actual connection to "the reality". It's hard to accept but I've had enough time to process this. I am no longer in shock. However, I will use this platform to further watch this "development". I find it rather absurd that any more people on this platform would care, but I plan to follow those who for whatever sadistic reason find that "work of fiction" worth reading.
            Secondly, if you do not like my tone, I have only indifference for you. That is not my problem. I am by no means an old woman, but I am mature enough to not care what little brats think of my intonation. If I did, I couldn't possibly survive as a teacher.
            Hope my response suffices. 
            Yours, Robin Taylor :-) 


What inspired you to become a teacher? I hope my question isn't too personal. :) I'm just curious. 


            Being a cop is an issue in itself but I hope you will bloom into a respectful one. Your name is only problematic because you share it with one of my students. It's also part of the reason why I find you suspicious. Still, you sound like a good kid. I will try to keep my biases to myself.
            Your training officer sounds like someone I could enjoy a cup of tea with. I wish that was possible but alas, reality isn't so fair.
            And why of course my students are in best hands! They are certainly better off than if that nasty woman got the class like she wanted. Would you believe Mrs Farah shared all these disgusting rumors about me just to get me on the principal's bad side? So dispicable. The teachers are sometimes more childish than the students. 


What's wrong with my name? I don't follow. Is it because I'm a cop? I get that a lot lately, especially in New Syracuse, my hometown. 
            Anyway, thanks for the response! It's always interesting to hear why individuals chose their careers. You remind me a bit of my training officer. He can be the "torturing" type as well sometimes. I'm sure your students are in great hands and have a lot to learn from you. :)


            Hello, young man. I would call you by your title name but it makes my skin crawl. That isn't your fault, but a personal issue of mine.
            A fascinating question indeed. I have quite a few reasons actually. One being that I just revel in torturing my students in the disguise of a lecture. I am not a sadist (perhaps) but I do this because I want them to become strong willed individuals who won't crack under pressure. That is a very hard task as they are spiriters, so they are really fragile, but I believe I am the perfect candidate to take care of them. Not to mention, I have waited decades to put my teachings into action.
            Secondly, my friend kindly asked me to become a teacher. He is the smartest man I know, and when he asks me to do something, I believe it is wise to follow through. I know he has his reasonings but I won't reveal any of my theories. As you claim to be a detective, I simply can not trust you with such private information.
            Thirdly, being a teacher in the spirit academy means plenty off days. Oops, that is a secret. Oh well, it's not like my students can read this.
            Yours, Robin Taylor :-) 


What happens when you break the disulfide bonds in kinky hair? 


            Hello, again, Chris/tella.
            This is quite embarrassing for a person with such magnificent hair as mine to say, but indeed, I lack knowledge to answer your question factually. I do believe you already know the answer though, judging by your wording. Are you testing me? I do not appreciate your "testing" but I'm also not surprised. 
            You are around the same age as my students, and it is evident. Talking to you reminds me of them. They think they know everything yet know nothing in reality. Don't be discouraged to ask me anything in the future though. This is quite refreshing from my daily duties. 
            Yours, Robin Taylor :-) 


What makes a story good to you? 


            Ahh. Silly me. Is that truly the demographic here? Fascinating. I shall call you Ali if you do not mind then. Kitty Kat is still too absurd for my taste. I think I understand the anonymity point, but I also disagree. Oh well, maybe my power can help me better figure out who you all are ;-)
            Is that so? Do I appear so stoic to you? Well, I might be now, but you do not know anything about my earlier years. My fantasies used to know no bounds I assure you.


The point of Wattpad is for young teens to have the option to stay anonymous, even with silly names like mine. ;) It's not the worst name on Wattpad either. Stick around long enough and you'll see that! 
            Interesting response. I didn't take you to be the type into romance. 


            Hello, "Kitty Kat" . First I would like to ask you for a better name I could call you with as your title sounds very childish to me. I simply can not take you seriously.
            Still, I appreciate your question. It is surprising to hear you ask as I mentioned I do not plan to read any stories on here but if you are still curious, I guess I can respond.
            I used to be an avid reader back in my younger years. I enjoyed dramatic stories with turns and plot twists, but also romantic stories of all kinds. There was a time where I would specifically look for tragedies. I guess you could call that my "rebellious" age.
            Recently, however, I have had a change of heart. I do not enjoy fiction of any kind anymore. It hits too close to home, you could say. Yet even if I really wanted to, I do not have time for it. But the truth is that I would like to stay away from fiction and focus on my own reality from this point onward.
            Hope that response suffices :-) 


Ms Taylor... 
          What if we write AND do drugs? 


            Hello, Chris/tella. It depends what sort of drugs you are taking. If it is only for a medical condition, I can not condemn you. I highly advise you to be careful with them though. Make sure to get the advice of your local doctor and don't take any more than your young body can handle.
            I wish you luck with your writing. I do hope you write better stories than a particular lowlife on this platform, though I am too busy to look through them. 
            Thank you for the question. :-) 




@RobinTaylorOriginal Huh. As if you have any idea who I am. I know you, and I am closer to you than you think.


            Huh. As if you could possibly be in contact with my students. Poor souls have no idea what this is all about. 
            I do not care about your title, and I won't even bother figuring out what it means. By my understanding, nothing you can do would hurt me or my students. You are still dangerous because of your influence on that monster however.
            You say you are keeping an eye on me but there is nothing to see ;-) consider me as just an invisible bystander. 


@RobinTaylorOriginal I would say sorry if I care enough about you. You can't block me coz I am an ambassador, don't worry too much about it. I am here to keep an eye on you. I got a lot of complaints from your students about your tardiness and that you're full of red herrings.