
Man,Sonic has so many love interests.He's got Amy,Sally,Elise,Kyla from KylaGaming,and then of course,me!I still think Sonally is a better ship than Sonamy.Sonamy literally doesn't make any sense and idk why people like this ship.I hate it!I don't care if people will dislike me for this.This is my opinion!


@RihannaChan20 I don’t mind Sonamy. I kinda think it’s cute. Even though I prefer Sonic’s other ships.


Man,Sonic has so many love interests.He's got Amy,Sally,Elise,Kyla from KylaGaming,and then of course,me!I still think Sonally is a better ship than Sonamy.Sonamy literally doesn't make any sense and idk why people like this ship.I hate it!I don't care if people will dislike me for this.This is my opinion!


@RihannaChan20 I don’t mind Sonamy. I kinda think it’s cute. Even though I prefer Sonic’s other ships.


I just realized that there are imposters out there!How many people have the name Rihanna!?Except the pop star.Somone even has an exact same ship name that I have!Please stop the copycats!


@RihannaChan20 anyone can have that name so it would be pretty hard to find them, but I don't think they're copying, it could be a coincidence. Plus maybe someone had that ship name before anyone and let other people use it :P (my opinion, you do not have to agree) ♡♡♡


@RihannaChan20 Oof. Lol I haven’t found anyone with my name yet


My mom is a big jerk!She acts so sweet around other people,except me.And my sis is just plain old mean.And I'ma tell you something,just because someone may give you everything or anything you want,it doesn't mean they love you.It also depends on how they act.Trust me.My sis and mom are cruel.But they were worse back then.
          1 comment=1 hug.


@RihannaChan20 Well, you got me bestie! I'm here for ya! *hugs*