
Hey I know it's early but I was wondering what people are doing for Halloween?  it's my favorite time of the year and I love to know what people do for it. 


Hey guys I have a goal, by the end of the months I want to have 2K reads. If this happens I'm going to start a new book, full of short stories, based on what you, my amazing followers request. So please read and spred the word. You guys helped my reach a goal I thought I would never reach, 1k, so now I'm asking you to hell me once more. I need you guys, after all, what is an writer without his or hers readers. Thank all of you so much for all you've done. Without you guys I would've stoped writing two years ago. I owe everything I am as a writer to you. 


alright, so it's been really hard for to write. So untill I can write again, I'll be off of wattpad, I won't resond to messages, comments, ect. I won't say goodbye because I'll be back. So instead I say to all of you, catch ya latter
          ~Rida out


Hey guys I know it's been forever but it's hard for to write right now, I sit down for hours and try but nothing comes to me. I can't think of anything. I'm still here, I check out wattpad almost everyday, buy it's hard for me to write


Alright so I'm thinking (as dangerous as that can be) that I should try writing some short stories and/or some fanfictions. What do you guys think? I don't think that I'll be good at first but I want to write them to try and better myself as writer.


this message may be offensive
@Tim_Gillispie hey I know how hard it is to type a few words but a little feedback every now and again wouldn't kill you.


I know I said this earlier but thank you all. While my poetry is sad at times, knowing that people read what I write gives me strength to keep going. If it wasn't for poetry, and a hand full of really good friends, I would've killed my self years ago. You guys have saved my life several times in the past three years or so, mainly in these last few mouths. Thank you all, each and everyone of you is a hero. Everyone has the power to change the world, for beter or worse. Think carefully before you act, but do not think so carefully that you never act. So many people walk past terrible things and do nothing because they think too much. Others get themselves killed because they don't think enough. Just a little nuget of wisdom a great man once shared with me shortly before he died. I love each and everyone of you, even if I don't know you.


Finally the big move is over. To everyone who has tried to message me, I haven't had much time to talk because I've been slowly moving. I'm in the new house now but still a lot of work to be done. If anyone wants to talk to me, I'm going to warn you that most of the time I won't respond till late at night.