
So...with light of the allegations, Puer Nobilis is under hiatus until I figure out how I'm going to remove Lui from the story. And due to the allegations, Craig will also be killed off instead of reintroduced like I planned. Bare with me, the story is NOT going to be cancelled.


So...with light of the allegations, Puer Nobilis is under hiatus until I figure out how I'm going to remove Lui from the story. And due to the allegations, Craig will also be killed off instead of reintroduced like I planned. Bare with me, the story is NOT going to be cancelled.


I deleted “Tales of Avaria: Crooked-Jaw” due to a new origin point. I will work on it when I get a few more chapters of Puer Nobilis (aka when a new character is introduced.) Yes, Puer Nobilis will be a LONG book largely due to me writing as if there will be no sequel. 
          Cheers - Rico the Zigeran