
this message may be offensive
HI, sorry, i haven't been on here in several months. Shit got crazy for a while and i really wasn't in the mind set to write for a while. Lately I've been working on my art and writing and i feel a lot better now but idk if i'll be posting anything any time soon. I'm currently working on an original story and a Sk8 the infinity AU. I do plan on finishing the Sprace story but I haven't gotten around to it yet so it might be a while. Sorry for the inconvenience!


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HI, sorry, i haven't been on here in several months. Shit got crazy for a while and i really wasn't in the mind set to write for a while. Lately I've been working on my art and writing and i feel a lot better now but idk if i'll be posting anything any time soon. I'm currently working on an original story and a Sk8 the infinity AU. I do plan on finishing the Sprace story but I haven't gotten around to it yet so it might be a while. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Just realized how long it's been since I last updated. I got pulled into a bunch of work and life stuff. Sorry about that
          I'm trying to finish a chapter right now and hope I can get it out today but if I don't finish it within the next like hour (I should be done) then it'll have to wait until tomorrow. 
          Again, I'm very sorry about the lack of content!
          Life's been busy and I haven't really gotten a break. 
          It hasn't really calmed down yet but I'll try to get something out


Oh it's okay! Life is like that sometimes. Are you okay?


So I haven't been active these past few days and prolly won't be for most of this week. I got a bunch of stuff going on (More than usual, surprisingly) and don't really have time to get on. 
               I'll try to post a chapter this week but Idk if that's gonna happen


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I hurt my ankle on Friday while rock climbing :]
          I was at the top of a 5.9 wall (for anyone who doesn't know what that means, the system is set up by height so 5.6 is easiest and shorter people but the taller and/or more skilled a person is, the higher points you can do. So 5.9 is really fucking hard. Especially for people who are like 5'5") and when I tried to hit to the thing at the top (showing that I had finished) my foot slipped and got bent weirdly. 
          It's been hurting ever since even when I wear my brace.
          My parents' arent worried enough to take me to a doctor. They just think I twisted it a bit but the pain has gotten worse these past few days and I'm starting to worry.
          Anyway how are you guys?


I'm gonna be restarting all of my stories because I just don't feel like there a high enough quality for me to be proud of.  I'm also working on another story right now that I feel will hold up to my standards a lot better than my old ones. I'm gonna be re posting my old stories but they're gonna be edited a bit.


I’ve been wanting to change my name
           Y friend, Elise is helping me come up with names but so far neither of us have been successful 
          If you have any ideas then feel free to share!