
Your book 'The Dragon Queen; Dragon Rider' was absolutely astounding! The plot was extremely well-written and smooth, not once did I lose interest while reading. The attention to details were encredible! After finishing your novel, I came here to your profile to read more of your work only to find there wasn't any, and I gotta say; you're an amazing writer. I highly recommend showcasing your talent, its definitely worth the read! 


@Rhubarbapplepie you're very welcome!     I will for sure keep my eye out, and well I'm pretty confident your old edits will be just as amazing, good luck. 


@me_love_bug Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :) I'm ecstatic to know that people really like my stories. I've actually started re-writing a couple of my old stories, but I don't know when I'll publish them. Probably soon, so keep your eye out for when I do. I'm honoured to know that someone appreciates me as a writer. I'll be sure to get back to working on my stories right away.  ;)