I have lived in Cincinnati my entire life. I used to write all the time when I was younger and had the time. I do plan on adding some of my work soon. I love to read and I read on my phone all the time and have that alot of your stories have entertained me more than some bestsellers. 
I Have a son whom I love very much. Hes my life and my joy. He was born at the end of 2008. I live with my boyfriend or what people like to call him "my baby daddy", lol. We have been together since 2005.
I love animals and am currently owned by 2 cats, Pike and Blitz. When we get our house I will have my dogs. I am a dog and cat groomer and I LOVE it. How many people can you say truly LOVES their job, not many. I guess Im one of the lucky ones. I get to make them all nice and pretty and give them haircuts and put bows in their hair and all of that fun stuff. I plan on learning creative grooming(if you dont know what it is, google it. Its AMAZING!!).
  • JoinedMarch 4, 2010
