
Just updated the latest Chapter in Hellboy's Apprentice. Sorry it took so long, I just got frustrated a lot with the questions and ended up deleting a lot of them because they just didn't seem or feel right. If you have any questions about the characters, please message me and those questions will be featured in the next chapter of Hellboy's Apprentice!


Just updated the latest Chapter in Hellboy's Apprentice. Sorry it took so long, I just got frustrated a lot with the questions and ended up deleting a lot of them because they just didn't seem or feel right. If you have any questions about the characters, please message me and those questions will be featured in the next chapter of Hellboy's Apprentice!


Hi guys! I just made a TMNT story. Please check it out and don't worry about my other stories, I'm almost finished with a new chapter for almost all of them but I just don't feel as though they are 150% because that's the effort I want to give you all every time I write. 


Hey guys! I just published Chapter 1 of Dreams of Reality! Please check it out, let me know what you think, and who is your favorite character so far. Is it Althe, Mawrin, Amontre, Matthew, Tyler, Rachael, Allisandra, or Cherokee? 


Thank you guys for the 1k reads on Hellboy's Apprentice. I really appreciate you all that took time to read my story and hopefully you will check out my other stories as well while you wait for the next chapter update. For 1k reads, it will be a special chapter. Again, thank you all so much for the support of reading my story and even commenting on it.