
Wow it's been a hot minute. Um sorry for going inactive. I'm thinking about picking back up on writing about Maximum Ride. I might go through and edit the chapters, merge some to make them longer and maybe make it more aesthetically pleasing. I'd like to thank you guys for reading my book and I hope you look forward to future chapters! :D <3


Fang or max 
          I am currently working on a iggy x reader and i want to do a max or fang x reader but thats the thing i dont know what to do


@eevee793 I would do whoever you like more! 


Wow it's been a hot minute. Um sorry for going inactive. I'm thinking about picking back up on writing about Maximum Ride. I might go through and edit the chapters, merge some to make them longer and maybe make it more aesthetically pleasing. I'd like to thank you guys for reading my book and I hope you look forward to future chapters! :D <3


I'm gonna be honest I haven't wrote a chapter yet cause I'm playing Persona 5.  It's a really good game though and I've been playing nonstop. I'll try to make a chapter this weekend. How have you guys been?


I’ve been bored but I’m surviving XD


@Restart_Me that’s good, and thanks again!


@fangirl-life-101 Human Geography, it was pretty easy for me, I hope you do really good!


How is everyone doing? Corona has closed my school until April. I've been mostly doing my online schoolwork and lazing around. I've also been procrastinating on writing cause I already have to write an essay on Macbitch (Macbeth).  Anyways. Let me know how you guys are doing maybe chit chat with you guys about Maximum or something. 


@Restart_Me I've been ok to. Busy with school work though XD . our school opens in April. I am glad you guys are ok :)


@Restart_Me ya! I really wish they didn’t do this! And I hope you don’t miss out on the senior stuff, that would suck even worse


@fangirl-life-101 The rest of the year? That must really suck. As a senior, I hope school doesn't get closed. I would like to have my graduation. 


In School's Out Forever, I have decided to make a love interest like Lissa and Sam. I have decided on his looks and his name. As suggested in my comments I will call him, Steve Ash Harrington, but I will call him Ash because his first name does not match with the image I chose.  Sorry in advance, but I'm very excited to start writing about him! Have a great day!