
I'm sorry I haven't updated Mr Alsina. I've just been so distracted with other works. I promise to update as soon as I can.


this message may be offensive
You know it's so hurtful to know what the rest of the world thinks of you when you're African. You think the worst of us and stick to your stereotypical views. It's fucking hurtful! Do you know how it feels to get on social media,  meet someone new and then the minute they find out I'm African ask me things like "You have wifi in Africa 
          ?" "Do you have aids?" "Do you practice witchcraft?" "You speak English? " WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? YOU FUCKING IDIOT OF COURSE I HAVE WIFI WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK IM USING! WITCHCRAFT? REALLY! I'LL LEARN SOME JUST TO SHUT YOU UP! So fucking inconsiderate!