
"Because I Feel You" has been changed to "Let us be brave." I've uploaded a new chapter as well, so I hope you like it. :D


Thank you for your comments on my poem, Rei. You're so wise sometimes! :D I'm glad we can relate about the poem, and I'm glad you liked it. It was one of the... most personal, most specific poems I've ever written. Like seriously, it was written about a specific feeling about a specific event in my life. I normally don't share that type of stuff on the internet, and idk why I decided to do so this time, but I'm glad I did. :)


Okay, cool. I'll have to visit that site sometime! Thanks for telling me about it! And also thanks for liking my pix! ;D I like both of yours, too, obviously, lol. [Is your background pif from Vocaloid? Because it looks kind of like Rin and Len, the blond twins in Vocaloid. (Idk if you even know who they are, lol, but I thought I'd ask because I noticed that your profile pic is one of the two. I can't tell in your pic which one it is because their hair and faces look so similar and you can't see if it has boobs or not, lol.)]