
@RedSun-Empire A single golden sphere, about the size of a baseball, would come rocketing down at 2400ft/s (740m/s), the very speed it was moving at causing enough friction to make it seem like it had come from the atmosphere--it was flaming. Was someone angry? Perhaps it had traveled from a long distance?
          The sphere would crash hard into the very heart of the Empire's domain, and upon impact, desecrating the ground horribly, frighteningly. Any structures in the way of the sphere would be carved through with little opposition as the sphere rained down. The sphere did not break, nor would even be scratched from impact. It suddenly discharged its internal heat generated from its speed, sending a large surge of heat throughout the territory, making any who were present uncomfortable. Once the heat discharged, the sphere would be completely without temperature or presence, as if it didn't even exist. From there, it established a link that would grant power back to Jonas.


@The_X_Weapon This time, Zalthys would not sheath Denial as he walked off; he was following his Affinity for Energy, and there was one more place that was radiating recently-used energies.


@NeoLord {Sphere Destroyed}
            The sphere would not even attempt to react to the attack. Jonas had realized his mistake after the destruction of the first sphere, so he would not let the armored man gain any more strength than Jonas has already fed to Zalthys. The sphere would break and the link would be severed just like the last.


@The_X_Weapon Still fueled from the previous sphere, Zalthys would draw Denial from its sheath when he got to the empire's territory. He was on a crusade, now. Just as fast as his last attack was that had destroyed the sphere before, Zalthys brought Denial down upon the sphere with just as much ease as before. Zalthys could feel the strength from the blade, he knew that he was unopposed right now.


A folded envelope flies through the air and hovers over the ground, it opens and words seem to rise off of the paper.
          "You and your Empire have been invited to Nightward Coven's Summer Festival schedualed for Friday September the 12th and 6:30pm. (Central time) Bring friends, your bathing suits and I hope to see you there. ~Roslyn"


"the light is coming from a small oval shaped stone i reach for the stone as i do a massive energy emerges from the stone my skin seems to crack and my eyes flash a bright purple i slam the stone into my hammer as the light fades away my eyes seem to stay a strange purple  color an my hammer glows" finnaly!


"A massive ship land here once stable a few dozen men walk out carying a few creates and than setting them down then the last man walks out with a cold stare an all the men avoid looking at him" 
          Set the drill! hurry now!
          "The man screams as the others reply with a yes sir"