
Hey everyone! 
          	Don’t lose hope yet the next chapter for Blue Eye Samurai: Ninja Assassin will be out very, very soon!!! 
          	It’s not the greatest but it’ll do. 
          	With the new policies on Wattpad I’m might take a be a bit more cautious on Censorship and other things but still trying to make the story pleasant to read. 
          	Anyway hopefully I don’t keep you waiting too long on this chapter. 
          	Yours truly Rec0iL 


Hey everyone! 
          Don’t lose hope yet the next chapter for Blue Eye Samurai: Ninja Assassin will be out very, very soon!!! 
          It’s not the greatest but it’ll do. 
          With the new policies on Wattpad I’m might take a be a bit more cautious on Censorship and other things but still trying to make the story pleasant to read. 
          Anyway hopefully I don’t keep you waiting too long on this chapter. 
          Yours truly Rec0iL 


Hello everyone! 
          Just a FYI I suspect I’m about halfway through the next chapter for Blue Eye Samurai: Ninja Assassin. I apologise for the delay on the chapter as I’ve been going through a tough time at work. But now I’m actually able to write full time for a while as I have a lot of free time in my hands. So expect a chapter from me very soon! 
          Thanks for being so patient and taking the time to read the book, and about Shattered Glass… I’m not too sure when the next chapter will be, but I won’t give up on it yet. 
          Anyways if you’re reading this, thanks for your amazing support. 
          Take care of yourselves, yours truly, Rec0iL 


Glad you are doing somewhat well  


Not to be impatient but I would like to know when you update your blue eye samurai story or maybe an estimate. If you are having personal issues that needed to be handled, I understand 


@Broly_boi65 sorry it didn’t tag you XD


I don’t actually have much to go for the next chapter as I only have to write one last scene, but then I’ll have to go over it all to my liking. So I’ll say I’ll be able to update the story in the weekend my time. Thanks for being patient though it’ll be a long one. :) 


Yo, I want your opinions on this. I’ve been thinking about giving Muzan from Shattered Glass a name change. Yes or no? If so what should I change it to? Also I’m got a little more to go for the next chapter too :)