
Hi All,
          	As it is coming up to Christmas I wanted to thank you all for reading! I know my updates can bit a bit sparse! I was doing relatively well at posting once a month and then life got in the way as it always does.
          	This Mad Melody is going well, still got plenty of things in store for that! As is my own piece of fiction Bellona, got plenty to say just need to give it a wee proof read! My Mew Mew Power fanfic is lacking a little bit, I know where I want to get to I've just forgotten how I planned to get there!
          	Hope you all are well and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Hi All,
          As it is coming up to Christmas I wanted to thank you all for reading! I know my updates can bit a bit sparse! I was doing relatively well at posting once a month and then life got in the way as it always does.
          This Mad Melody is going well, still got plenty of things in store for that! As is my own piece of fiction Bellona, got plenty to say just need to give it a wee proof read! My Mew Mew Power fanfic is lacking a little bit, I know where I want to get to I've just forgotten how I planned to get there!
          Hope you all are well and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Hi guys!! 
          So I've updated This Mad Melody, letting you all know!! I am writing another chapter of the Mew Mew fanfic. You'll have to wait a little longer, I want it to be good and not be too short. I am getting there!! 
          Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments you give me! 


Hi guys!! 
          So I've updated This Mad Melody, letting you all know!! I am writing another chapter of the Mew Mew fanfic. You'll have to wait a little longer, I want it to be good and not be too short. I am getting there!! 
          Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments you give me! 


Hi guys!! 
          I know I don't post messages out that often but I thought I should to notify you of a few things. 
          Firstly: I will be trying to change my account name to 'Rebecca McMurray' as I've been thinking about posting under another name for a while, it was my late granddad's family name and it speaks creativity to me. So don't be alarmed when you see a new name beside my story (if the change works) - it's still me!!
          Secondly: thank you so much for following me and reading what I love to call my brain escapes. My mind is constantly churning stuff out and it means a great deal to me that you all read it and want more! 
          thirdly: hopefully over the next year I shall be really focusing on producing some great works and editing/updating those that I feel strongly about. (Don't worry my fanfics won't be going anywhere!)
          Finally: If anyone has any cover ideas for 'My Blue Knight' (the Mew Mew Power/Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic) that they would like to send me that would be great!! I desperately think it needs to be redone but I have no ideas for graphical art!! 
          Love and peace to you all!
          Keep on reading!
          C :)