To Katie(: 
          	did you know that i love you? cause i do. your my top most bestest bestest friend ever. i would to see this world without Reebs, cause then i wouldnt of met you. i love the fact that you NEVER EVER EVER tried to walk away. you ALWAYS stood by my side..even when i didnt wanna stand by yours. when i drifted far, you were ALWAYS near. & then i came to realize you were being a truefriend<3 your a VERY VERY good friend. that's one of your greatest characteristics. your the most truest, realest friend ever. you actually are the GREATEST of all my friends. cause your so loyal. i would do anything to meet youu.<3 it's better to meet you more than meet reba. cause when you meet her it's only for like 5 minutes & a chance of a lifetime. when i meet you, it's a lifetime!<3 i would have rather met Reba when i was with you. too bad it didnt happen. :[ but, one day in life it'll happen. cause i got them connections, babe. :D but, just always remember, i'll be your shoulder when need someone to lean on, be your shelter when you need someone to see you through. I'll be there to carry you. I'll be there. I'll be the rock that will be strong for you. The one that will hold on to you. When you feel that rain falling down. When there's nobody else around, I'll be. <3 this always brings tears to my eyes cause it always reminds me how much of a truefriend you've been. <3 no lie. just remember that song just happens to be the strongest feelings EVER that i have had toward a person, & it just happens to be directed towards you, on purpose.<3 i love you, ba. love your, Re. :) nah, i love you miss. Katie Nell McEntire Blackstock. Love, Nina Nell McEntire Blackstock. <333