
Todos aquellos que los rodean sean igual de felices que espero que ustedes lo sean


yo vi actualizada ayer y me enamoré de ti jsjsjs solo falta que hagas un M reader y te propongo matrimonio 


@ feliz_felix  que tn sea niño y no niña :'l  osea lector masculino M reader jsjs


@ feliz_felix  Hola Disculpa pero que significa M reader?


Ok I hate chain mail but this one's cute 
          Dear God,  the girl reading this is  amazing. Please help her know this is true no matter what. 
          In 12 minutes something as amazing as you will happen. Please send this to 12 girls you  love.Remember, only for girls.  If I don't get this back I'm  obviously not a best friend.
            Once you read this, you have to  send it to 12 people.Your next 3 days will be like  this:
          Day 1- You will have a perfect day! 
          Day 2- You will find something that you lost a long time ago.
          Day 3- You will be surprised with a dream come true!
          If you don't send this, your next 3 days will be the exact opposite.
          Don't  break this.
          Send it to 12 friends in 12 minutes. 
          It's not hard. The person who sent this to you must really care about you. 
          No  group chats. 
          Good Luck! 