
Hey you wanted a Hayley Marshall book, right? Do you have any ideas for it? Like how you want it to go and love interest. Stuff like that. So I can get an idea of what to write. 


Like a female twin of Klaus that gets together with Hayley and marries her instead of Jackson so like basically their soulmates like she’s the nice and kind twin so if you wanna do a G!P go ahead 


Hey I know u asked for a Hayley Marshall book but I’m still trying to think of an idea for it. So Um Im gonna recommend reading these books. These are some really good books. They’re are called Selcouth and querencia by @WerecoyoteWitch97.
             WAR OF HEARTS by @-pixiemixie. You don’t have to of course but I just thought since your looking for a Hayley Marshall book that these would interest you.