
So I don't know why but currently in my country, it seems that the Internet has block people's access to Wattpad. I'm using a vpn so it's still usable for me.


Why the heck would this year become the year of famous people being exposed for gr**ming minors like wtf!!??
          First is like Hatsumi Rou, a famous gachatuber. She maniputaled someone, then when she got exposed, she litterally give out an guilt trip apology. 
          Then Yandere Dev, who is a total sh*tty game developer, got his f*cked up dms to some girls leaked out, give a apology which I don't wanna read it. A lot of people in the Yandev website is still supporting him like dude, he just did something disgusting. 
          And finally, the minecraft youtuber, Dream, whose case is still not been confirmed now. According to the rumors, he is sending wh*mper audio to minors. I don't really know about his situation because he did give out a long paragraph about what have happened and he will solve this. 
          Although when I heard the audio, it look mostly like Dream but I will post more about this case if there is any information.


@ Raynee_Not_Taken  yeah, I even want to understand the reason why -_-, 


Recently I find out that the voice actor of Cyno from Genshin Impact also voices Blindt Devoy in BBB rise.
          Also, when I look for the manga of BBB, I realize that the style in the manga it's way more intense that the anime.


Yes, you finally found out! 
            Also, there's also Daman Mills, Blade and Lyney english VA. HE VOICED LANE. 
            Fischl and Ilya, Pri and Dori and Sushang, Silas and Kazuha, Dante and Venti, Aiger and Barbara/Xinyan, Xavier and Childe, Kyle and Aether,.... :)))


I lost my 50/50 on Zhongli banner. I lost all my primos. This sht is so bad lmfao


@Raynee_Not_Taken and I got C1 him:v BUT I DON'T NEED HIM CAUSE I HAD LAYLA ToT


Pft- Lmfao :))))