
Starting at a new school in a few hours… I’m trying to be optimistic but a part of me already wants to go home 


That’s so relatable honestly, if you want Raven my snap dms are always open for venting (unless it’s a really dark topic or I say otherwise I’m okay with it!). Also, I can help you feel heard but I can’t always give advice < 3


Starting at a new school in a few hours… I’m trying to be optimistic but a part of me already wants to go home 


That’s so relatable honestly, if you want Raven my snap dms are always open for venting (unless it’s a really dark topic or I say otherwise I’m okay with it!). Also, I can help you feel heard but I can’t always give advice < 3


          Wattpad won’t let me post an announcement that’s too long, so I’ll try to condense it.
          I believe I mentioned my friends and I winning a regional award for a science competition that goes across Canada and the States. Well, as of Thursday, we’ve officially won a 1st place national award! (It’s divided though, so only 1st place in my age category.)
          I’m sorry if this comes off as braggy, but I don’t flaunt to ppl irl. 
          They’re flying us out to D.C for the awards ceremony and I’ll be there for a few days. Apparently I might be on national television, but I’m not totally sure about that. 
          However, according to my research, this is the biggest science competition in the world, and the fact that I actually won is just so surreal to me. 
          Thank you for all your support! I will try to update soon, but I think you know why I’ve been busy.
          Raven <3


@LyrebirdReads Thank you so much!!!! I have rlly valued your support since meeting you, you’ve been so kind! Hope to meet up irl one day 


            My heart literally screamed when I read this, I’m trying to think of a thousand ways to say congrats right now. You are honestly sooo talented and deserve this! I hope you have a amazing time in DC and that you enjoy this surreal experience! And no, you don’t sound like your bragging
            Much love from me! ❤️


Hi everyone! If you've enjoyed my writing so far and want to see more, please follow @kirraven. This account is a joint between @LyrebirdReads and I where we will be uploading collaborative writing projects! It's very exciting and I'm looking forward to collaborating on many future projects that I'm sure will peak your interest.


            I can't wait to start writing with you!


Hey guys, I know I haven’t been very active as of late because I’ve decided to focus more on academics, but it’s really payed off! My friends and I entered an innovative science competition across several countries and long story short, we won regionals and are now advancing to nationals!!! I also found out that I’m the top English student a few months ago but I’ve maintained my status so that’s an accomplishment in my book. Also, remember those advanced program things I applied for? Well, I got into both! I made my choice and I’m looking forward to what life has to offer.
          - Raven <3


Thank you! I can't believe it myself! I'm more of a theatrical person (singing, writing, acting, adventures...) and I never really pictured myself getting to this point in my studies, but I'm really excited for the future!


Holy… I cannot express how happy I am for you! Go show the world what a queen you are! ✨


Only @lyrebirdreads is going to care, but yesterday I was surprised with a puppy!


Miniature bernedoodle, she’s black and brown, 8 weeks old, and rlly cute 


WOOO! What breed 


Hey, everyone.
          I know that I've taken a pretty lengthy break from Wattpad, and I will try to continue uploading every two weeks, though it may be longer. I have a lot going on educationally at the moment and my mother just got surgery last week. Since then, I've been coming around the house a lot and helping my parents in whatever needs to be done. As much as I hate to be making this announcement, I simply cannot continue to post at an ideal rate. (Though I know I haven't been doing much of that recently.) The next chapter of my Harry Potter fanfiction, "The Great Division," should hopefully be out by next Wednesday, however that may be the only upload for a little. 
          Again, I'm so sorry, I don't want this either; writing is my passion and taking breaks from it is never a good experience.
          - Raven <3


Thank you! I love the Zelda games, so that helps a lot 


Please don’t rush! As the iconic creator of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto once said “A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.” This applies to stories too!


Okay, so I know I said chapter 9 would be out a while ago, but the chapter 9 I was writing was pretty long, so I’m posting a different chapter 9 tonight and the old one will be chapter 10, which you should look out for soon because I’m only another 1000 words away from finishing!


@ACuriousReader123 Thank you! Also, if you have time I have posted the chapter.


YEAH! Take your time and prioritise your health above anything else though. Have a good day Raven <3