
Good morning to everyone,
          	My apologies for not posting chapter 5 sooner. I will be doing my best to post a chapter every week so stay tuned.
          	Remember feedback is always welcomed whether positive or  negative. 
          	However if negative offer a recommendation. I am new at this and still learning.
          	Anyways have an amazing day and be safe!


Good morning to everyone,
          My apologies for not posting chapter 5 sooner. I will be doing my best to post a chapter every week so stay tuned.
          Remember feedback is always welcomed whether positive or  negative. 
          However if negative offer a recommendation. I am new at this and still learning.
          Anyways have an amazing day and be safe!


Chapter 4 was just uploaded. Remember that feedback is always welcomed. 
          Vote for each chapter if you like the story.
          I will try my best to be consistent with the uploading of future chapters.
          Stay tuned for a series of love poems.
          Have a great day.