
Someone just asked me if I promote my books on Neobook ad I just wanna say that none of my books are posted on any other site. Not even AO3. All my books are only supposed to be on Wattpad. This is literally illegal if you’ve copyrighted your book and it’s on another site. Please post this message or a message like this to your page to bring awareness to this crime. 


Someone just asked me if I promote my books on Neobook ad I just wanna say that none of my books are posted on any other site. Not even AO3. All my books are only supposed to be on Wattpad. This is literally illegal if you’ve copyrighted your book and it’s on another site. Please post this message or a message like this to your page to bring awareness to this crime. 


I’m trying embroidery for the first time in a couple years today. I’m doing something a little hard and it’s an apple orange and raspberry


@geminitay67 ima embroider the words fruit trio at the tip


Just got back from my first theater meeting and spent the whole time organizing cords and lights and it was fvcking awesome and now my late bus driver is really funny and asked all of the six kids on the bus what they’re being for Halloween best day in a while acquired