
this message may be offensive
I'm still writing the stories, they'll be posted eventually, Im so sorry that I haven't posted them but something happened in my life recently and I'm currently grieving, I'm so sorry ith how many times I've put off righting but life's not being very kind rn, I'll get them out eventually, I've got to chapters that are in the process and ones almost done, I won't say when I'll post them cause idk when, against sorry I've been putting this off for so long, shit has just happened and I've been struggling


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I'm still writing the stories, they'll be posted eventually, Im so sorry that I haven't posted them but something happened in my life recently and I'm currently grieving, I'm so sorry ith how many times I've put off righting but life's not being very kind rn, I'll get them out eventually, I've got to chapters that are in the process and ones almost done, I won't say when I'll post them cause idk when, against sorry I've been putting this off for so long, shit has just happened and I've been struggling


I'm back from my hiatus but I won't be doing major one shots, I'm gonna try to pace myself and start off with small ones, I'll get around to that request the moment I work up the nerve to write something that's long


So school started back up last week which in turn has left me absolutely drained, I'll probably be taking a break from writing, and any of my stories I haven't finished writing will be put on hold till I get the energy back, I cannot promise when it will be but I'll update you guys when i start writing again


I decided to scrap the tactical Donnie and Leo chapter cause I've lost all motivation for that story, while I figure out another storyline to go with for a new chapter I will try to get to that request that someone made... I can't remember who it was


Should I make a new book but like about my ocs? If so then like a little less then half of them would be TMNT ocs, but I'd love to show you guys what my ocs look like and share their backstories with you and their relationships, there's so many tidbits that I haven't told the people i talk to on discord about them that I'm half tempted to make the book rn and start with yua lol


I'm only asking cause I'm struggling to finish theses two chapters and this request, lack of motivation for writing an original story I suppose but then again the two chapters I'm writing are a tactical au and I don't know much about guns and snipers and stuff so I'm like winging it


I'm setting my tmnt book to complete given the current rumors of Wattpad deleting stories that haven't been updated recently and are not marked completed but don't worry I'm gonna continue writing the chapters I have planned and you can still put in requests but Wattpad is a jerk so if my TMNT book says complete please don't panic


I've decided that o'm going to try and do a male ready, if I you guys like how I do this chapter with a male reader then I'll update my rules for requesting, I'm just trying this out rn for a very good friend of mine 


Anybody got any advice for when you've already had to delete and entire chapter you were working on and rewrite it just to struggle with it again? Like I know I'm not professional but I've been working on this for over a week! Is this what writers block is?