
I haven’t post on here for a bit and no I ain’t stopping with stories.
          	However I feel sort of… lost at the moment. I feel burnt, needing for something( or someone I really don’t know), and just overall questioning if I’m meant for anything.
          	Sorry for this dump out of nowhere but I just need to say it somewhere. 


@ RangerTokuRider  hey is okay,I somehow in that state,Only you need is relax


I haven’t post on here for a bit and no I ain’t stopping with stories.
          However I feel sort of… lost at the moment. I feel burnt, needing for something( or someone I really don’t know), and just overall questioning if I’m meant for anything.
          Sorry for this dump out of nowhere but I just need to say it somewhere. 


@ RangerTokuRider  hey is okay,I somehow in that state,Only you need is relax


I should probably mention this since I have seen the whole thing about the message system. At the minute I don’t really have a sure way to message others and I kinda wanna wait a bit on that since I’m a bit nervous to openly message if that makes sense. Maybe one day I’ll change my mind but for now if anyone needs anything feel free to message me on my page.
          Again I’m really sorry.


@blue575 I will think about but for now I really don’t want to. Again sorry


@RangerTokuRider No worries its understandable. I'd be the same feeling nervous.


Would you rather be stupid rich in a mansion but live alone or be rich but live in a normal house (nothing big just a good sized one) in a good neighborhood/community?


@RangerTokuRider Rich normal house of course. The former has a con but the latter doesn't


So @RangerTokuRider i was wonderin if you were currently accepting story requests and if so could i possibly ask you my story request that i believe you will love if you would hear me out 


i understand @RangerTokuRider and thank you you are the greatest 


@KyleDoerr4 It’s not a yes but I’ll consider it if I ever do. For now I rather just focus on other things


i understand toku so when you do play the kingdom hearts video game series could it be possible to consider doing my story request if you don't mind me asking because i'm curious to know 


this message may be offensive
Me Reading stories where people give the reader a mansion and a lot of cool shit.
          Also Me: Gives my reader an average house with at least good quality stuff and nothing super expensive.


Hell at some points it’s like “Oh I’m brooding while I live in a good place with good food and everything but back to brooding” like when Batman does it it’s reasonable but if anyone else does it, it’s just not it.
            Also ngl I just don’t like mansion’s to much space and would rather have something with comfort like an average house or A good sized apartment.
            Hell if you want a harem or whatever story where they live with you I just simply just say the house or apartment has enough rooms. Bottom line I just don’t like mansions or rather readers having mansions… most exception I’ll give is an iron man reader but please don’t make the mansion big af, just decent size.


Yeah if no one can tell I am not a big fan of the whole “Reader gets a big ass place” type thing. I know it’s a story but I personally feel like unless it’s like if it isn’t like a isekai story having reader with a mansion just isn’t fun to me. 