
I need to get more back up chapters written before I keep posting again, so I'm gonna hold off on posting until I get a few more drafted for the He Lives story. 
          	But I'll try and get something out if those don't start coming out, like one shots or AUs if it takes too long. 


I need to get more back up chapters written before I keep posting again, so I'm gonna hold off on posting until I get a few more drafted for the He Lives story. 
          But I'll try and get something out if those don't start coming out, like one shots or AUs if it takes too long. 


For the Time being I'm gonna focus on my Fives AU story. And a Clone Wars Story Featuring my OC that's just being drafted rn as far as writing goes. I'll keep drafting on the Clone Wars one until I get more chapters done, but I'll post one for the Fives story every week for now. 


@Rand0mFandom update fives story 


I'm switching back to two chapters a week because 3 is way too ambitious for my amount of time. 
          But I do still want to get Last week's up. So I'm finishing up Lone Gunman and An Innocent Man this week. 
          Next week starts Damaged


My new update schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday for chapters because I want to get this posted quicker because its already gonna be a lot of chapters posted. And that's not even accounting for the fact there will be multiple books. Because I've already started the Pre-Writing stage for book 2.