
I’ve had a rough year… I just started my first job, joined the swim team, and will be going away to camp next week.  I haven’t updated anything in ages, but you can find more of my work on AO3 under Lilmia_Casand, I’ll try to get some writing done after camp, but this is my birthday week so I’m a little busy.  I’ll try to update The Sun and The Shadows by the end of the month.


I’ve had a rough year… I just started my first job, joined the swim team, and will be going away to camp next week.  I haven’t updated anything in ages, but you can find more of my work on AO3 under Lilmia_Casand, I’ll try to get some writing done after camp, but this is my birthday week so I’m a little busy.  I’ll try to update The Sun and The Shadows by the end of the month.


Ok so Midterms have finished kicking my butt, I think I did ok, so now I have time to write!  I plan on pushing the Harry/Draco a bit, and the Hermione/Ron fluff, I also need to advance the plot so this may be a longer one- or it may get split into parts.  Tell me if there’s anything you want to see and I’ll see if I can fit it in!


So I finally managed to get started on the next chapter of The Sun and The Shadows!  So tonight or tomorrow night you should be getting a new chapter!  Unless something big comes up, but then it’ll probably only be delayed a day or two.  Sorry I’m bad at updating, but school likes kicking my but and my plot bunnies like to either escape or overwhelm me, I’m working on doing better!  And maybe this time I won’t end up being a lying liar who lies. :D


I am going to try and write more of The Sun and The Shadows tonight!  Chances are that if I actually start you’ll have a new chapter by tomorrow!  But check out Eyes of a Dead Girl that I promise doesn’t have angst, really.  Soooo yeah, have a good day!


As it turns out I’m a lying liar who lies☹️  I had more hw than I expected and I never got to writing and I’ll try to be better in the future