this message may be offensive
Mate, I think you should realise by now that no-one on here is going to agree with you. You know why? Because some magical man in a book you worship doesn't come above the rights of human beings and science. Science does not disprove homosexuality, or dysphoria, it does the opposite. It proves it. It explains it. And trying to use biology against homosexuality is a stupid move, because there are so many species that also display homosexual behaviour. I'm sorry if you're so lonely that you believe sexual activities cannot be pleasurable, cannot be seen as an act of love, but did you ever consider this;
          they can?
          As well as this, being gay is not about sex. Sure, a dude might like taking it up the ass, but do you know what else he likes? Little kisses in his hair. A warm body to sleep next to. A hand to hold and person to rely on, someone to call his. I sure as hell would. Who cares whether that person has a fucking vagina and tits, or a dick? Does it change the love those two feel?
          Hide behind your religion, that will get you places, but human life and human rights come first. Your little book does not.


I've been to church every Sunday. I've listened and stayed during the whole time in church. I've prayed every night. I've prayed during every meal. I've been baptized. I've always showed my faith in God. I am Pansexual as well. You, along with many other "believers", say LGBTQ+ is a "sin". So tell me, what does that make me, according to you. Sonce it's a "sin", apparently I am not faithful to God, am I? Please do tell, I'd "love" to hear what you say. 


Sorry bout not caring anymore, it was..... interesting talking with ya-


@beep_beep_kayla why am I even having this discussion? I'll figure out what ever the hell is happening with this on my own. 


@RajRichard I've read all, and I just don't see why it is a sin though, I know that the passages and verses say it is, but WHY? And if God does not make one gay, then what exactly does then, because I'm curious. 


If god made me gay why would he hate me for being gay?


@panpeters YES! While we’re at it let’s repent for cutting our hair and not standing in the presence of the elderly!


@RajRichard Okay, sounds like a Tuesday. Should I also repent for wearing mixed fabrics while I’m at it? Wouldn’t want big daddy god to be angry with me.


@Http-Echoes A. God did not make you gay. B. God does not hate you for being gay. If God hates you, you would not be living now. God loves you and wants you to confess and repent of your sin (being gay) and return to HIM.


Will god hate me for being gay? Is there a way to be forgiven? 


@420animeLLAMA Apologies for my delayed response. God, most surely, will forgive you, if you ask God to forgive you. Then, you need to discontinue your gay lifestyle. 
            There are many Christians who have a disposition towards being gay, but they do not live a gay lifestyle. You can be one among those.