
Lol, why is it that poorly written books preform better than well written ones?
          	Seriously guys, Never After High is so much better, I’ll be creating a new title and cover for it to catch more attention. I promise u it’s good 


Can’t wait to see it!


Okay, so I’ve realized that I shouldn’t be re-writing Poisoned Apple the way I am because I know a lot of people love the original story. Instead, I’m going to revert the chapters I changed and move the new ones to a re-branded version of the original.
          I hope you enjoy it!


So, I've realised the attention that "Poison Apple" is getting, and I've decided to give you the book you deserve. Starting today, I will slowly be releasing the improved version of the chapters. This time with spacing so you can comment!!


I’m really sorry but I’m just not having success with Susan of Narnia, and I’m having trouble with it at the moment. I have decided to write the sequel for Poison Apple and continue Susan Of Narnia latter, I’m so sorry, but that’s what I’m doing .