
Thank you for voting on all my stories, so sorry I couldn't say it earlier or for every story. I hope you enjoyed all of them and will continue to enjoy the remaining stories in the Anthology. I also have other books in the same genre, make sure to check them out! 


Hi Melina,
          I just wanted to pop in and thank you for reading my book Offering.  I see you started the second book in the trilogy Sacrifice.  There are so many surprises in store for you.  This story takes you into the lives (and loves) of the other characters you met in Offering.  I hope you enjoy the story.  
          I followed you, so as I update Sacrifice you will receive messages from me letting you know a new chapter is available to read.
          Leave me a message anytime--I always reply.  I enjoy talking with readers.  And don't forget to enter the Raffelcopter contest to win an autographed Offering coffee mug at:

          Thanks again,


@Leila_Adams Thank you! I am enjoying your books, you are a talented writer. I am looking forward to reading Sacrifice and finding out what happens


@Leila_Adams Thank you! I am enjoying your books, you are a talented writer. I am looking forward to reading Sacrifice and finding out what happens