
WOO Finally posting the first part of this book!! YAY! https://www.wattpad.com/story/95041777


Okay so in julyish time I might not be able to post videos for a few dayz and then after that ill be typing all the time since i got nothing else to do other than play video games soo..... ya. This might happen it might not it depends if my mom and dad go through with it.. and if you are wondering it is that i might have surgery on my spline cause of scoliosis which means that my spine is curved and its curved really bad right now its 51 curvature...And then i have to sit out on things for 6 WEEKS!!!
          Bai peeps


ya know when your typing and then your thinking of something else and you type that without knowing...yeah that happened....


You have a yt? If so what is it?