
@dashiaallen  thank you very much! It truly means a lot.


I'm an old fan of your stories, but had to delete my wattpad due to some problems with school. Now that I'm back with a new account, I couldn't help but notice that a lot of your stories haven't been updated in a while- have you stopped writing?
          I really hope you haven't, but I'd like to know, so I can write a sixty-paragraph essay on why you should continue if you've stopped, haha.


@BlankSlaters I really do want to know, haha. I'll send you that email as soon as I can. :)


@YouMayKnowMeAsTrash Hi there! :) You sound like a really genuine person, not someone that is coming to me saying "when are you gonna update??" or "Please update". So that is why I am responding, also, I really do want to tell you why I stopped updating. So if you are truly interested in knowing send me an email via my business email (blankslaters @gmail.com)! :) Also, tell me your name and stuff so I don't think you're like a weirdo off the street. Thanks, Claire AKA BlankSlaters :)


*casually adding your stories to my library because I'm behind the eight ball* XD


:) Thank you. Though I haven't been on Wattpad in months. I wrote all these stories when I was 13 and I'm pretty sure they all suck lmao. :p thanks for reading them anyways! Tell me what you think! 


Hey guys! Please don't ignore this!
          This summer I have big plans, along with the fact I plan on improving my writing - this summer I also am starting a Young Adult blog! 
          It's called "madfourbooks" , my blog name is CreativeDreamer and i recently posted my first book review. If you have the chance, please please please check it out! It would mean the world to me! 