
Hey guys, some bad news ahead :( due to an unexpected influx of exams (15 in the next 3 months) I will not be doing the second book to 'Kyana of Cintra' anytime soon. At the moment, my education is taking up so much of my time, and I'd be happier publishing work that I'm proud of than work I rushed. 
          	That being said, it will be completed by summer of 2022, of that I can guarantee. It'll be a bit of a wait, but I hope you can all understand. 
          	See you soon guys!!!


@Radioactive__Sarcasm  I just finished reading Kyana of Cintra and I cant wait to see how Kyana will fit in the 2nd season of Witcher!! No pressure on writing the story though, feel free to write when its best for you. Again, I cant wait to read the sequel of your story. Thank you for sharing it with us 
          	  PS Good luck on your studies


I know I’m a bit of a nag, but is it almost done?


I’m so happy!! I know it’s a while from now, but I completely understand! I’m just finishing up high school, so I’m gonna be busy as well anyways. 


Please tell me there will be a sequel for Kyana of Cintra. I couldn’t put it down, such an enticing story of love and action. I couldn’t believe the thought you put in creating this adventure! Please make a sequel!!!!