
Hi everyone, new trailer release, can you please watch and comment, if I get enough comments and views I may decide to write this. Thanks.


          I've created a new trailer that I've wanted to create for a long time. Please can you watch it and comment, it's a little different to what I usually write but I watched two different shows with the same story idea and got my own from it, so please, can you watch and comment. I would much appreciate it.


@RacheEvans As all what you do, it's perfection.


FINALLY, the next chapter for FORBIDDEN is up after over a year I've finally been able to post another chapter. I am so sorry for lack of work for the past year but inspiration hasn't been the best but I promise, I will post more this year than last!


Next chapter of Forbidden is now up and reading. Thank you to all of you who have been patient with me when it comes to this story. I know that it has been a long time of writing this book but sometimes writer's block interferes and I have to take a break but luckily, the writing it coming back and hopefully more soon will follow. Thanks!