
@EmmaMargaret i used to do horse riding but i don't anymore i wish i owned a horse, i love your story too it is really good, your a good writer.


@Rach19 Awww, I pretty much have had lesson since i was 8 and then and 2 years ago i stopped for about a year and just volunteered at some stables where i would get the occasional ride and then about 6 months ago now i finally managed to get my own horse :) it was 10 years in the making :S
          Thanks you! It's amazing people like you who help me want to write more ^.^ I'll be writing more soon just got to finish bucket loads of homework first :(
          Thanks again


@Rach19 Yepp, sure do. I own a Chestnut, TB mare <--- the one in my picture :)
          Do you ride or anything?
          And i would defiantly check it out but you need to publish it, even if it's only a draft other wise no one can see it :(
          And Thanks for checking out my story it means a lot :) 
          x Emma 


@EmmaMargaret hey emma so you love horses like me? sorry i haven't gotton around to reading your story yet and it has been a week since you messaged me, i just have been busy with breakthru and other things, i will read it now though and tell you what i think of your story, tell me what you thought of mine, mine is just a draft it isn't finished yet, but tell me whether i should continue with it or not, i like getting feedback.


Hey! Welcome to Wattpad! If you love to read and write, you are going to love this site! Well, if you ever need anything to read, please check out my new story Not So Unwilling! I just started it a few weeks ago and so far it has been pretty successful and I would just absolutely love some feedback! Thank you so much! And if you ever want me to read something of yours, just message me!
          Mel Bell <3