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Ok so I'm sure you've all seen the fallout show yeah welll thanks to fallout and my dumbass being high I realized time travel shananigans are allowed in the fallout Universe so I'm gonna make use of this in a fanfiction using a pre war guy and a bunch of vaults because the Mc ain't a bitch and is gonna be on the front lines understood good this is just to get the fallout out off my system ok 


Yes, but I am waiting for the DLC to come out to see if there's anything cool I can take from it


are you going to continue the Elden rig story


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Ok so I'm sure you've all seen the fallout show yeah welll thanks to fallout and my dumbass being high I realized time travel shananigans are allowed in the fallout Universe so I'm gonna make use of this in a fanfiction using a pre war guy and a bunch of vaults because the Mc ain't a bitch and is gonna be on the front lines understood good this is just to get the fallout out off my system ok 


Yes, but I am waiting for the DLC to come out to see if there's anything cool I can take from it


are you going to continue the Elden rig story


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it's a fuck it we ball type of day guys but don't worry i'm doing fine for now anyways i'm writing a bioshock 2 fanfic i don't know when it's gonna be released because I I plan to fully write it and then edit it before I release it so it could be a couple months or some shit like that or a couple years. I don't know, but yeah I'm gonna post the first part which is the bio of the main character and yes, it's not a male reader story you'll just have to read and find out, but I'm pretty sure the title will give it away


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I'm alive but I'm in a bad place mentally and that's all you guys need to know if anyone wishes to take my stories and write and continue them go ahead just make sure you create a new list coming up basic premise for you I really don't give a fuck anyways I may continue writing I may not. I don't know I'm in a bad place mentally and I've been holding back everything for the past three years but yeah that's all I'm letting you guys know I'm still alive. I may update my stories I don't know like I said, go ahead and use them and have a good one


all right for anyone who's concerned about my story saying completed they arent I'm just doing that just in case Wattpad decides to be a bunch of dumbasses and I will continue to update it but unfortunately I have been in a sort of shitty place of mind for the past couple of months, so I'm sorry


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New phone so I'm back also I'm going to be switching between 2 to 3 fan fictions. Write a little bit all the time and then fuck off and I'm gonna do that until I complete one of the fan fictions or both of them OK and then I'll release them slowly overtime you know