
Hello! I am not dead. I swear on the Lord's chips, I'm not deceased. College is keeping me very busy but I am trying to make time for writing. I have also been watching a lot of 9-1-1 lately so I may do an Evan Buckley story or an Eddie Diaz story. Let me know what y'all think.


Oh my word!!! It has been a hot minute since I've updated. I am so sorry to keep y'all waiting with my NRDD fan fiction. The show was taken off of Hulu but now Netflix has all the episodes so I will continue to write some if I can. Don't worry I haven't abandoned the book. Thank y'all so much and try to stay alive.


Hello, beautiful people (yes. I'm talking to you) I know I have been a ghost for a bit but I have some rad news!!!!!! I, Ruby Larson, will continue to write (drum roll please)............. MY NRDD FAN FICTION!!!!!!! I know it has been too long since I've updated the story and I've been getting lots of comments and requests that I just can't ignore. I would still love to see your comments and suggestions and I hope all you beautiful people (yes I'm still talking about y'all) have a wonderful day!!!


Hey, y'all!!! So, I know that the Nicky Harper story is going a bit slow but I am going to update soon. I might do an All of Klaus' Lines book after I'm done with my NRDD Fan Fiction so be prepared for that soon.


yay! I love your story :)


Hi!!!! For those of you who are reading my stories, I am so sorry for my absence. I just got a job and school is being a big butt right now. I will try to get more updates out as soon as possible. Sorry for the long wait! Love y'all!


it’s all good im excited to read ur nicky Harper story :)