
Hey all, I have a new book that has come out and i will like to see all yours opinions on it and its a first time stepping outside of Fantasy and i hope you all enjoy reading the first chapter of "A Working Class Boxing Experience " feel free to comment your thoughts  thank you : )


Hey all, I have a new book that has come out and i will like to see all yours opinions on it and its a first time stepping outside of Fantasy and i hope you all enjoy reading the first chapter of "A Working Class Boxing Experience " feel free to comment your thoughts  thank you : )


Thank you so much for voting on my Cabbages and Kings poetry collection! I read your Boy From the Valley poems and very much enjoyed them! How long have you been writing poetry?


@R_A_Jones Good for you! Keep honing your craft, you have a gift with words <3


@abflynn im glad you liked them, i'd say i been writing poems for a bout 2 years now, i wrote my first one which was "Skye" in around early 2022